Curiosities of the squid game

 1. Green uniform.

The director dressed the participants in green gym uniforms, because the director wanted to remember how he dressed in his high school days.


2. Watchmen's uniform.

The director dressed the watchmen in pink because in the color scheme, pink is the opposite of green, the color of the participants.


3. THE squid game has been played since at least 1998, we can see that when the policeman snoops through the participants' files, there are participant sheets and files from 198, the game has been in development for decades, but in the series only the one from the year 2020 is shown. This can be seen in episode 4.


4. The participant who worked in a glass factory has an error in the date of entry into the factory, he says he has been working since 1897.


5. The policeman's brother had already participated in the squid games in 2015. 


6. It seems that the people who chose the red color would be chosen as the watchmen.
